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This artist was mentioned in these interviews

A Level Presence

Interview | One Two Testing, Aug 1985

funk and hi-tech facilities

Jan Hammer - Miami Nice Guy

Interview | Sound On Sound, Jan 1988

The art of writing music for popular television in the last few years may have been single-handedly redefined by Jan Hammer. His upbeat, rocky soundtracks to the hit TV series 'Miami Vice' (along with a few of the chart hits used in the show) have now produced two albums of instrumental music. Ed Jones finds out how they were done.

We found these other (non-interview) articles that are linked to this artist

Ken Scott - The Producers

Feature | International Musician, Jan 1986

Ken Scott muses on his journey from Bowie to Kajagoogoo. Chas de Whalley listens attentively

This artist was mentioned in these other articles

Studio Diary

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | International Musician, Mar 1975

Studio Diary

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | International Musician, Apr 1975

Studio Diary

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | International Musician, May 1975

Studio Diary

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | International Musician, Oct 1975

Making tracks

Mark King replies...

Feedback | Topic: Tuition / Technique | One Two Testing, Oct 1984

your bass enquiries answered



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