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We found these other (non-interview) articles that are linked to this artist

George Peckham - Cut It Out

Feature | Topic: Mastering | One Two Testing, Aug 1984

Porky, king of the cutting room

This artist was mentioned in these other articles

Master Cuts

Feature | Topic: Mastering | International Musician, Jul 1975
The Master Room

Cutting masters is a fine art. George Peckham discusses the problems

Prime Cuts

Feature | Topic: Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Making Music, Sep 1986

Everybody's Doin' It

Feature | Topic: Marketing / Promotion, Music Business, Recording | Sound International, Feb 1979

...multitracking at home, that is. Bob Clifford, he of the Frog, introduces us to the many ways of doing much with little.



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