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Andy Richards - Programmer's Protocol

Interview | Music Technology, Jun 1988

From his involvement in the infamous Frankie Goes To Hollywood sessions, Andy Richards has become an accomplished producer and programmer in his own right. Nicholas Rowland listens to a rationalisation of technology.

Banco de Gaia - Lost in Trance

Interview | Music Technology, Apr 1994

Currently opening the show for the Megadog Midi Circus, Toby Marks (aka Banco de Gaia) is living proof that one man and a rack full of gear can get an audience to its feet and keep it there. And as Phil Ward discovers, Toby enjoys meeting people, likes to travel and drives a small red van.

Blue Weaver - Out of the Blue

Interview | Home & Studio Recording, Jun 1986

Blue Weaver, former Bee-Gee and session musician takes Janet Angus round his new studio.

Ian Curnow - The Empire Strikes Back

Interview | Music Technology, Oct 1988

Who helped make Climie Fisher's single a hit? And the Pet Shop Boys', and Depeche Mode's, and Bananarama's? David Bradwell investigates the latest action in the Stock, Aitken & Waterman production stable.

Jan Hammer - Miami Nice Guy

Interview | Sound On Sound, Jan 1988

The art of writing music for popular television in the last few years may have been single-handedly redefined by Jan Hammer. His upbeat, rocky soundtracks to the hit TV series 'Miami Vice' (along with a few of the chart hits used in the show) have now produced two albums of instrumental music. Ed Jones finds out how they were done.

Jan Hammer - Hammer Strikes Out!

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Feb 1986

In an exclusive interview, this longstanding keyboard hero and Miami Vice music maestro discusses keyboard technique, and what it’s like to achieve mass recognition after years of obscurity. Annabel Scott takes note.

Jan Hammer - Hammer Time

Interview | Sound On Sound, Mar 1993
Jan Hammer Talks Tech

JJ Jeczalik - Ratman Returns

Interview | Recording Musician, Jan 1993
JJ Jeczalik And The Art Of Toys

Best known for his pioneering sampling work and his role in The Art of Noise, JJ holds strong views on the creative use and abuse of studio equipment.

JJ Jeczalik - The Noise of Art

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Nov 1985

The man who brought computers to Frankie and programmed his way to chart infamy with The Art of Noise, fits in an interview before going out to play some very English sport. Paul Tingen fills in the scorecard.

Larry Fast - Sounds of Metropolis

Interview | Sound On Sound, Apr 1987

Mark Jenkins pins down the expert synthesist/programmer best known for his work with Peter Gabriel, and discusses the release of his eighth solo album - 'Metropolitan Suite'.

Larry Fast - Fast Talking

Interview | Music Technology, May 1987

Tim Goodyer talks to the man who's programmed Peter Gabriel's synths, recorded a host of electronic albums under the name Synergy, and started up his own record label for instrumental music.

Larry Fast

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1983

A prolific American synthesist interviewed

Larry Fast - Playing Fast and loose

Interview | One Two Testing, Mar 1986

Master of sampling and synths dissembles

Martin Ware - Martyn Ware

Interview | One Two Testing, Feb 1985

Patrick Leonard

Interview | Sound On Sound, Aug 1991

Patrick Leonard has a surprisingly low profile for the producer and cowriter of many of Madonna's biggest hits, but his production work and nascent solo career suggest that wider recognition is on the way. Paul Tingen meets a man of many talents and strong views.

Pete Harris - Assault On Battery

Interview | Home & Studio Recording, Dec 1986

Pete Harris, engineer, producer and programmer talks to Paul White about working in the Zomba empire.

Peter Collins - Mr Versatility

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Oct 1986

While many producers are content to work within one or two musical styles, Peter Collins casts a much wider net - using high technology to increase the number of possibilities open to him.

Peter Vetesse - Jethro Tull's Peter Vetesse

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Sep 1983
Computer Musician in Rock

Steve Hillage

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Jun 1983

A journey through the musical world of this well respected guitarist

Steve Hillage

Interview | International Musician, Nov 1975

Steve Hillage - Electric gypsy

Interview | The Mix, Mar 1995

The original hurdy-gurdy man takes Tim Barr on an ambient perambulation through his current project, System 7

Steve Lipson - The Price of Fame

Interview | Music Technology, May 1987

...Is already hugely successful as an engineer, producer, musician and programmer for the likes of Grace Jones and Frankie Goes To Hollywood. Paul Tingen finds fame has made him disillusioned and cynical.

Steve Roach - The Sound Art Of Programming

Interview | Music Technology, Sep 1987

An American synthesist and composer with a soft spot for aborigines and analogue sounds, talks to Bob O'Donnell about programming synths and sequencers old and new.

Vic Emerson

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, Apr 1984

An interview with one of Britain's most gifted keyboard players and programmers. He takes us through the various electronic instruments he's owned, and gives some insight into how to go about programming such complex polysynths as the Yamaha CS80 and Rhodes Chroma.

Wally Badarou - French Lessons

Interview | Music Technology, Sep 1987

The co-producer of Level 42's last two records has also lent his keyboard playing skills to the likes of Grace Jones, Robert Palmer, Mick Jagger and Talking Heads. He discusses his roles as programmer, synth player and producer with Paul Tingen.



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