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Digital Audio Workstations

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio Workstations | Sound On Sound, Apr 1988

The coming of age of the Digital Audio Workstation has implications that go far beyond being simply another item of interest to electronic musicians. Craig Anderton brings us up to date on what’s happening at the top-end of the professional recording world and how it will affect us mere mortals.

Hands On: Sound Tools

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio Workstations, Recording | Sound On Sound, Nov 1991

Ever wondered what its like to use Digidesign Sound Tools? David Mellor takes the driving seat of the world's favourite hard disk recording/editing system.

Hard Disk Recording Tricks

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio Workstations, Recording | Sound On Sound, Aug 1993

Inside The Synclavier - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Digital Audio Workstations, Vintage Instruments | Sound On Sound, Jun 1989

PART 1: New England Digital's Synclavier is the world's most expensive musical instrument, bar the odd 300 year old Stradivarius. But more than that, it can be a recording studio, a post-production system, a music engraver, a scientific research tool... and more. The Synclavier is at the leading edge of musical technology. David Mellor sets out on a voyage of discovery.

Inside the Synclavier - Part 3

Feature Series Audio | Topic: Digital Audio Workstations | Sound On Sound, Aug 1989

PART 3: What is it like to sit down at the Synclavier - the world's most expensive instrument - and create a piece of music? David Mellor finds out and tells the whole story.

Radio Days

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio Workstations, Live, MIDI, Performing, Sequencing | Sound On Sound, Aug 1992
Technology On The Air

When Paul D. Lehrman was asked to use his technological expertise to help create a radio quiz show, he rose to the challenge — and discovered it was just about the best fun he could have standing up.

The Digital Maze

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio, Digital Audio Workstations, Recording | Music Technology, Sep 1992

MT shows you the best way out

The Hard Edge

Feature | Topic: Digital Audio, Digital Audio Workstations, Recording | Music Technology, Aug 1993
Direct-to-disk recording explained

MT's guide to the theory and practice of the tapeless studio

The Synclavier

Feature | Topic: Design, Development & Manufacture, Digital Audio Workstations | Sound On Sound, May 1986
New England Digital: A Company Philosophy

Most people have heard of the Synclavier but little is known about the company that produces it: New England Digital. Paul Gilby met up with its Vice-President, Brad Naples, who supplied us with a fascinating insight into the philosophy behind the development of this highly advanced digital recording system they call 'the Synclavier'.

The Synclavier Story - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Digital Audio Workstations | Music Technology, Jul 1989

In the second part of MT's look at the powerful Synclavier system, Dan Rue and Scott Wilkinson embark on their very own fantastic journey into the heart of the beast to consider its sequencing and notation abilities.

The Synclavier Story - Part 3

Feature Series | Topic: Digital Audio Workstations | Music Technology, Aug 1989

In the final part of our look at the latest models of the state-of-the-art Synclavier, Scott Wilkinson homes in on the Direct-to-Disk recording system.

The Synclavier Story - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Digital Audio Workstations | Music Technology, Jun 1989

As Fairlight fight for survival the mighty Synclavier undergoes a dramatic upgrade. Chris Meyer takes us on the first of three tours of the new state-of-the-art Synclavier.

Wot... No Tape?

Feature | Topic: Buyer's Guide, Digital Audio Workstations | Sound On Sound, Sep 1992
The Tapeless Recording Market Survey

The tapeless recording revolution is in full swing, as technology that once was available only to the few develops in products that suit a wider range of applications and pockets. Yasmin Hashmi looks at the development of the technology, the current state of the market and how it is likely to progress.



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