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Roland MT32 Update & EditorsReview | Sound On Sound, Jul 1988If you own an MT32 then you really should be using a computer-based voice editing program to make the most of its facilities. Martin Russ compares three possible contenders for your money from Tigress Designs, Dr T and Steinberg. |
Steinberg Synthworks D10/20/110/MT32Review | Music Technology, Apr 1989Software for the Atari STSteinberg's Atari editor for the Roland D10 also works for the MT32 - or is that Steinberg's D110 editor works with the D20? Vic Lennard gets generic with Synthworks. |
Steinberg Synthworks D110 Multi-EditorReview | Sound On Sound, Mar 1989Looking for an editor to help you plumb the depths of your LA sounds? David Hughes uncovers a real gem of a program for the Atari ST that makes light work of editing Roland D10, D20, and D110 synths, and can even be used with the MT32. |
Synthworks D-110Review | Micro Music, Dec 1989Rob Beattie harnesses the power of the ever popular LA expander range with this Editor/Librarian package from Steinberg |
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