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Roland S-10 Sampling KeyboardReview | Sound On Sound, Nov 1986'Is this the one we have all been waiting for?' asks Julian Colbeck. Slotting neatly into the vacant sub-£1000 price bracket, Roland's new keyboard is a fast and easy to use sampler with plenty of attractive qualities. But how does it fare against the competition? Read on to find out... | |||
Roland S10Review | Music Technology, Dec 1986Sampling KeyboardSimon Trask again, this time experiencing the simple delights of the budget Roland sampler. It's easy to use, but has the low cost brought too many compromises? | |||
Roland S10Review | International Musician, Dec 1986SamplercheckTony Mills samples Roland's first entry into serious user-n..n..nineteen-ing | |||
Roland S10 SamplerReview | Making Music, Oct 1986 | |||
We found these other (non-review) articles that are linked to this gear | |||
Product NewsNews | Topic: Advertisement Feature | International Musician, Jun 1986A new Super-synth, Samples, and more |
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