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Funds donated this month: £44.00

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Kurzweil 250

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Dec 1984
Digital Keyboard

How can the principles of Artificial Intelligence be employed to make a computer musical instrument sound like a grand piano? David Ellis delves deep into the workings of a £10,000+ Stateside keyboard.

Kurzweil Digital Keyboard

Review | One Two Testing, Sep 1984

synth artificial intelligence from the USA

The Contender

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Nov 1984
Kurzweil K250

Sampling with the Kurzweil 250. Will it knock out the Fairlight?

We found these other (non-review) articles that are linked to this gear

Tech Talk

Interview | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1985

Robert Moog, the man who set the synth ball rolling in the first place, on the receiving end of questions from German journalist Henning Lohner.



Small Print

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