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8-track Without Tears

Review | Home & Studio Recording, Dec 1985

It's more than a Portastudio; 8-track reel-to-reel and mixing facilities all in one unit - the Tascam 388.

Allen & Heath Brenell 8-track - Part 2

Review Series | Sound International, Feb 1979

Black Magic

Review | Sound On Sound, Feb 1986
Fostex Model 80 Tape Recorder

A second generation 8-track from Fostex that offers autolocate and timecode control to the budget studio. Paul Gilby opens the box to discover the secrets of the black magic.

Fostex A-8

Review | Electronics & Music Maker, Feb 1982
8 Track Recorder/Reproducer

Fostex A-8 Retrospective

Retrospective (Gear) | One Two Testing, Mar 1986

Classic retrospective re-evaluated

Fostex Model 80 8-track Tape Recorder

Review | Home & Studio Recording, Jan 1986
Eight track for the reel world

Fostex R8

Review | Music Technology, Mar 1989
Eight-track reel-to-reel recorder

As 8-track tape recording takes its first steps onto cassette, Fostex introduce another revolutionary idea: the reel-to-reel tape deck with a detachable control panel. Vic Lennard does it from a distance.

Fostex R8 - The 8-Track Take-Away

Review | Sound On Sound, Jan 1989

In these space-conscious times, Fostex have developed a diminutive new 8-track tape recorder you can store out of sight and control fully from its detachable front panel remote control/autolocator. David Mellor takes it for a spin...

Head To Head

Review | Recording Musician, Aug 1992
Fostex R8 & Tascam TSR8 Recorders

Paul White checks out Tascam's TSR8 and Fostex's R8 open reel, 8-track machines side by side.

Hot Stuff

Review | Sound On Sound, Jun 1988
Toa MR-8T 8-track Cassette Recorder

If you thought eight tracks on standard cassette was an impossibility, think again. David Mellor assesses the world's first 8-track cassette recorder. Will it do to 8-track tape machines what the portastudio did to 4-tracks? Read on and find out...

Keeping the faith

Review | The Mix, Mar 1995
Tascam 488 MKII

Rocking, reeling portastudio

One Over The Eight?

Review | Electronic Soundmaker, Sep 1985
Tascam 388

A ‘portable’ 8 track recorder/mixer

Revox C278

Review | Sound On Sound, Aug 1989
For A Few Dollars More...

What price a reputation? The Revox brand name is well established and very well respected, but the new model C278 8-track costs a lot more than the Fostex and Tascam equivalents. David Mellor asks whether it is worth the extra.

Revox C278

Review | Recording Musician, Sep 1992
8-Track Tape Recorder

Since its dramatic drop in price, the C278 is an attractive proposition to the private user who puts quality before frills.

Silent Partner

Review | Recording Musician, Aug 1992
Tascam 238S 8-Track

Dave Lockwood checks out the first ever Dolby S cassette multitracker in this exclusive review.

Tascam 238

Review | Music Technology, Jan 1989
Eight-track cassette recorder

The four-track cassette recorder revolutionised home recording and significantly changed the recording industry; will the eight-track cassette have a similar effect? Vic Lennard goes on record.

Tascam 238 Syncaset

Review | Sound On Sound, Aug 1988
8-track Recorder

The 8-track war hots up. Now Tascam have an 8-track cassette to compete with the Toa MR8T. We know that eight tracks on compact cassette are possible, but who does it better, Tascam or Toa? David Mellor decides.

Tascam 48

Review | Home & Studio Recording, Aug 1984
Eight Track Tape Recorder

Tascam 488

Review | Sound On Sound, Mar 1991

Can't quite stretch your budget to a 688 MIDIStudio? Richard Aaron checks out Tascam's appealingly priced new 8-track portastudio.

Tascam 688 Midistudio

Review | Music Technology, Nov 1990

Tascam caused a recording revolution when they introduced the world to the Portastudio, now their Midistudio line looks set to take musicians on another quantum leap. Nigel Lord moves into the 21st century.

Tascam Model 388

Review | International Musician, Aug 1985
Studio Test

Tascam Studio 8

Review | Sound On Sound, Jan 1986

Continuing the tradition that began with their 144 Portastudio, Tascam have created a combined package of mixer and 8-track recorder - the 388 Studio 8 - whose compact dimensions belie its true versatility. Dave Lockwood assesses its performance.

Tascam TSR8 vs Fostex E8

Review | Sound On Sound, Jul 1989
The 8-Track Challenge

The 8-track challenge: with the release of a new Tascam machine and the recent price cut on the Fostex E8, we thought it opportune to compare the two models. David Mellor adjudicates in the battle of the budget 8-tracks.

The Tascam Way - Part 1

Review Series | Sound International, May 1978

The Teac 80-8 tape machine, Tascam Model 5 mixer, and dbx DX-8 noise-reduction unit.

Toa MR8T

Review | Music Technology, Feb 1989
Eight-track cassette recorder

When the first Portastudio was launched, it caused a revolution in the recording industry - now you can put eight tracks on the same tape. Vic Lennard punches in.



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