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Music Technology - January 1992

Going Live?

Live and let live, at least on stage - Tim Goodyer asks the question of where to draw the line between "live" use of technology and cheating.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Newsdesk

So tell me, Newsworth, what's there to news anyway? The king broke a string, did that warrant five curtain calls? - obscure 70s Greenslade lyric.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Communique

Hailing frequencies open, Captain - we're receiving strange transmissions from a MIDI guitarist in distress. The ongoing adventures of the Starship Music Technology and its mission to...

This article has no OCR bodytext.Competition

Another exclusive MT competition; another exclusive opportunity to get lucky and grab a piece of high technology for free - on offer this month is Brother's PDC100 sequencer.


Poolside Drums

When the London Sample Workshop decided to sample drums with real reverb, they chose a swimming pool to do it. Tim Goodyer gets in deep with the Poolside Drums.

On the Beat Part 26

The secret of good comedy is timing... right? Nigel Lord reckons it's also the secret of some fascinating rhythms - and this month's beatbox programming column.

MOTU MIDI Timepiece

Mac MIDI Interface/Sync/Patchbay

Welcome to the new age of integration with this Macintosh MIDI interface, synchroniser and patchbay. Vic Lennard gets a timely piece of the action.

The Next Dimension

Roland RSS System

Three-D sound placement from two speakers - that's the secret of Roland's revolutionary Sound Space system. Vic Lennard looks at the technology and the theory.

Hey Joe!

Joe Zawinul

Once leader of the seminal Weather Report, Joe Zawinul recently took his current project, The Zawinul Syndicate, on the road. Simon Trask talks with an acknowledged master of the synthesiser.

MOTU Performer

Apple Macintosh Software

One of the leading Macintosh sequencing packages has recently undergone another of its periodic face lifts. Ian Waugh checks the state of the performing art.

The Rhythm Method


From the Midlands' techno culture comes the hardcore sound of Rhythmatic. Simon Trask investigates one of the bands on the ground floor of Britain's fastest-growing musical movement.

Kurzweil K1200 Professional

Digital Keyboard

New UK distribution and a new synth bring the Kurzweil name back into the pages of MT. Simon Trask rediscovers Kurzweil quality and playability with their K1200.

C-Lab Creator/Notator 3.1

Atari ST Software

Another recently updated package is C-Lab's Atari sequencer/notator. Ian Waugh experiences the delights of an excursion on the version.

On The Attack

Attack transients can bring a new level of interest and realism to your samples. The London Sample Workshop's Tom McLaughlin explains this trick of the trade.

This article has no OCR bodytext.1991 Index

Information technology, you might call it the definitive index to all the MT reviews, interviews and features from 1991. Now perhaps the phones will be a little quieter.

Tascam M2524

Mixing Desk

Tascam make their bid for the growing private studio/pre-production market with two brand new MIDI-controlled mixers. Tim Goodyer follows the expansion of automated mixing on a budget.

Music Technology - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.


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