Music Technology - March 1994
As close to the cutting edge as you can get without needing stitches... |
The World Of CD-iIndie label Rhythm King are now packaging their artists on CD-i. Simon Trask uncovers the growing links between music marketing and computer games. |
Part 8 - GEM to Groove Electronics. |
Shareware & Public Domain softwareMountains of useful programs can be yours for nothing! Well, it's a public service, innit? declares Ian Waugh. |
Future Sound of LondonPart 2: what would you do with a Sony Betacam video edit suite next to your S1000? Simon Trask continues to track FSOL's audio-visual path... |
Cyberseed cyber-festivalCyber culture comes to Britain for a multimedia club night. William Gibson couldn't make it, but you can always rely on Simon Trask for an honest report. |
Article Group: Quality ControlThe most authoritative reviews around.General MIDI sound moduleIs there more to CM than meets the ear? | direct-to-disk recording system for the Atari FalconBudget DTD reaches the world of Atari. | v.2 sequencing software for the AmigaAmiga owners in new software sequencer shock! | interactive music controllersYou move - it programs. A first step towards virtual reality music? | universal MIDI controller for the Atari STAn editor for all synths - SysEx permitting... | sound card for the PCAn MT exclusive on a card set to make waves in PC music. | lighting control for musiciansLook - no hands! Play and display even without MIDI. | drum pattern editorYet more useful kit for PC musicians. Honestly, we're spoiling you... | Making Music Keyfax 4: Samplers & Controllers by Julian Colbeck
Computer Manuals Windows Stuff Microsoft Forgot! by Ed Tiley
Music Of Life George Clinton sample CD |
| Dare!
Music Review This is the age of the autonomous artist/producer making^ hits at home. Are |
Dream FrequencyIf you'd just like to fill this in, the Doctor will see you in a moment. Thank you, Dream Frequency's Ian Bland. |
A 2-page Paracetamol for your technical headaches. |
What do you think of that disc, Marina -isn't it terrific? New works from Aphex Twin, Underworld, Enigma, Richard Kirk and Shriekback reviewed. |