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Music Technology - February 1991

Perceived Wisdom

The possession and management of information plays a crucial part in our lives. Tim Goodyer raises the confusing issue of the disinformation surrounding information.

This article has no OCR bodytext.Newsdesk

Another batch of hot news from the world of hi-tech music is yours for the reading in this month's Newsdesk. Keeping your ear to the ground couldn't be easier...

This article has no OCR bodytext.Communique

The curious saga of a couple of equipment manuals takes centre stage in MT's regular readers' writes - if you've got an opinion to air or a question to ask, this is your soapbox.

Seiko MR1000 Sequencer

Sequencing has never been this cheap: can a dedicated sequencer that only costs 40 quid actually work? Debbie Poyser goes sequencing on a shoestring.

AMPLE Albums

Music moves in mysterious ways - these LPs for example aren't vinyl or CD, they're floppies for the AMPLE music system. Ian Waugh boots up the boogie.

On The Beat Part 17

Jazz - the final rhythm programming frontier; but if you treat jazz as an attitude (as the jazz greats all have), jazz patterns are just a state of mind away. Nigel Lord thinks cool.

Dial 0274 For Bass

Unique 3

Having helped to create Britain's Northern techno scene, Unique 3 claim it doesn't actually exist. Simon Trask listens to this and other enigmas from one of the country's most creative dance outfits.

Casio DA7

Portable DAT Recorder

Casio's DA1 and DA2 Digital Audio Tape machines have helped put DAT into many budget studios. Tim Goodyer suggests that the DA7 will see it in a few more.

Steinberg SY77 Synthworks

Atari ST Software

When Yamaha launched their latest flagship synth, the SY77, they knew it was only a matter of time before it received software support. Ian Waugh goes editing with Steinberg.

Elemental Rhythm

Steve Coleman

From Charlie Parker to writing his own software, jazz saxophonist and technophile Steve Coleman has a unique insight into music. Simon Trask tunes in.



Now that the UK has its own MIDI association, help and information are but a phone call away. Simon Trask checks out the UKMA and its founder: Vic Lennard.

Ensoniq EPS16 Plus

Digital Sampling Workstation

After a recent change in UK distribution, Ensoniq look set to increase their popularity with this upgraded version of their EPS sampler. Simon Trask likes what he samples.

Retro Action

Kenton MIDI Retrofits

With analogue technology enjoying a renaissance, there's a growing demand for MIDI updates to old equipment. Vic Lennard talks to Kenton Electronics about the Ins and Outs of retrofitting.

Alesis SR16

Drum Machine

With more machines appearing every month, there's no denying that it's boom-time for the beatbox. Simon Trask rocks to the rhythm of this latest offering from Alesis.

First Born
Retrospective (Gear)

E-mu Emulator

These days a few hundred pounds will buy you technology that once cost thousands. Gordon Reid looks at an early sampler and discovers there's more to it and its manufacturer than you might have known.

Korg S3 Part 2

Rhythm Workstation

In the final part of this review, Korg's new Rhythm Workstation reveals the secrets of its sequencing and fx-processing. Simon Trask looks at the future of the beatbox.

Music Technology - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.


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