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Search results

Hugh Padgham

Interview | Sound On Sound, May 1988

Hugh Padgham has worked with some of the best contemporary artists - The Police, Genesis, Sting, Peter Gabriel, Hall & Oates, and Phil Collins, to name but a few - and has earned his place in the recording industry history books through his sensitive, innovative, and inspired sound engineering and production work. How did he do it? Brian Jacobs finds out...

Mister MIDI

Interview | Sound On Sound, Apr 1989

Howard Jones was the first keyboard player to successfully exploit the new technology to the full by regularly performing solo concerts with nothing but MIDI instruments as his backing band. In this rare interview, Brian Jacobs talks to Howard about his music, recording, his decision to produce most of his new album himself, and his growing admiration for an instrument he once said he would never use.

Tony Banks

Interview | Sound On Sound, Sep 1989

Keyboard player Tony Banks has been the foundation stone of Genesis' music for almost two decades now but has not experienced the same level of success in his work outside Genesis as past and present members of the band, Phil Collins, Mike Rutherford and Peter Gabriel. With two solo albums and numerous film scores behind him, Banks is set to bounce back into the limelight with a fresh, new solo project. Brian Jacobs poses the questions...



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