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Search results

The Odd One

Retrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Jan 1988

ARP Odyssey owner and enthusiast Gordon Reid remembers the only synthesiser that gave the Minimoog a run for its money back in the 70s - the sounds of oscillator cross-modulation and filter sweeps live on.


Feature | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, May 1988

PA Decoder's D50 ROM cartridge joins a selection of readers' own sounds in this month's Patchwork. If you're short of a sound, or simply short of inspiration, read on.

Roland S330

Review | Music Technology, Aug 1988
Sampling Module

An inquisitive Gordon Reid poses the question "how much sampler can you get into a single rack space?". Roland's S330 sampling module replies "more than you might expect".

Hybrid Arts EZ-Track Plus

Review | Music Technology, Dec 1988
Software for the Atari ST

An upgraded version of Hybrid Arts' EZ-Track brings a new degree of sophistication to mid-price sequencing software. Gordon Reid takes it EZ with his Atari.


Feature | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Jan 1989

A review of PA Decoder's D50 ROM Vol II joins patches for the Ensoniq ESQ1, Kawai K1 and Korg DW6000 in this months' selection of readers' sounds.

It’s My Song

Feature | Topic: Arranging / Songwriting, Performing | Phaze 1, Feb 1989
And I'll Cry If I Want To

so why can't the band play it properly? songwriters’ psychology made simple

Pomp Up The Volume

Feature | Topic: History / Culture | Phaze 1, Feb 1989

a history of progressive rock - is there a new day dawning for the dinosaurs?

Roland RE3

Review | Music Technology, Mar 1989
Digital Space Echo

When Roland made the most popular tape echo unit in the world they called it Space Echo - now they've revived it in digital form. Gordon Reid listens to echoes from the past.

MIDIMouse Sonicflight D50/550 Capture!

Review | Music Technology, Apr 1989
Software for the Atari ST

If you're drowning in ROMs and RAMs full of D50 patches but still can't lay your hands on the sound you need, an editor/librarian program like Capture! could be the answer to your prayer. Gordon Reid is captivated.

Space-Age Echo

Review | Phaze 1, May 1989
DREAM MACHINE: roland space echo

the roland space echo lives - with the help of a little modern technology

Yamaha TQ5 Tone Generator

Group: Review

Review | Phaze 1, Jun 1989

Competition Positions

Competition | Topic: Live, Marketing / Promotion, Performing | Phaze 1, Jun 1989

are rock competitions worth their salt? if you fancy your chances, read on...

Studiomaster MA36

Review | Music Technology, Nov 1989

Hands up if you've ever had to go MIDI troubleshooting - and if you'd like it to be easier next time. Gordon Reid examines the logical solution to sorting out MIDI problems.

The Music Revival

Feature | Topic: Restoration / Archival, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Music Technology, Nov 1989
Cedar Audio Restoration

As well as creating sound, digital technology can be used to rescue old or damaged recordings. Gordon Reid looks at a British system that's leading the world in audio restoration.

Quinsoft FB01 Librarian

Review | Music Technology, Feb 1990
Atari ST Software

When you're on a limited budget it's important to get the most out of every piece of gear you own. Gordon Reid checks out budget software aimed at getting the best out of your FB01.

Musictronics MEX D50/D550 Expansion

Review | Music Technology, Feb 1990

When your favourite keyboard starts to look a little out of date, do you remain faithful to it or sell it? If it's a D50 you could give it multitimbrality, more waveforms and extra memories. Gordon Reid installs the MEX.


Feature | Music Technology, Jun 1990

If you're looking to expand your sampler's vocabulary of drum sounds or your D50 library, Patchworks' Drumtrax sample tape and PA Decoder's D50 Rom Volume III should be worth checking out - start here.


Feature | Music Technology, Aug 1990

With so many disappointing sounds currently being sold as the work of "professional" programmers, it's reassuring to find a selection as good as Valhala's International Gold cards for the Korg M1.

Life Of A Prophet

Retrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Aug 1990
Prophet 600

While Sequential's Prophet 5 will always be regarded as a milestone in synthesiser technology, their Prophet 600 is almost forgotten already. Gordon Reid attempts to correct the history books.


Feature | Music Technology, Oct 1990

A wide selection of sound libraries from Sound Source Unlimited, Roland and Stiletto come under the scrutiny of the Patchwork reviewers.


Feature | Music Technology, Nov 1990
VALHALA D50 Sound Cards

Under the spotlight in this month's Patchwork are the stablemates to the astounding Valhala M1 sound cards - those for Roland's D50. Gordon Reid asks "can they maintain the standard?".

First Born

Retrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Feb 1991
E-mu Emulator

These days a few hundred pounds will buy you technology that once cost thousands. Gordon Reid looks at an early sampler and discovers there's more to it and its manufacturer than you might have known.

Frontal Lobe & PCM Channel

Review | Music Technology, Apr 1991
Korg M1 Enhancement

Much talked about in the US but still unavailable in the UK, Cannon's Frontal Lobe promises a new lease of life for your Korg M1. Gordon Reid asks "does it deliver?"

Quinsoft VZ-ED

Review | Music Technology, Jun 1991
Atari ST Software

If you've been forced to treat your Casio VZ as a "preset" synth because of its programming system, VZ-ED could bring it back to life. Gordon Reid witnesses the VZ resurrection shuffle.


Retrospective (Gear) | Topic: Vintage Instruments | Music Technology, Aug 1991
Arp Pro Soloist, Korg Sigma & Roland SH2000

In the early days of analogue synths, reconciling electronics and expression was hard work. Gordon Reid looks at the beginnings of pressure sensitivity.



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