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Results: 1 - 6 of 6 displayed.
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Airplay ActionFeature | Topic: Marketing / Promotion, Music Business | Phaze 1, Nov 1988grab your slicehow to get your music on the radio |
Keep Taking the TabloidsFeature | Topic: Marketing / Promotion | Phaze 1, Jan 1989the music papers and how to get your name into them |
Nothing Like The PresentInterview | Phaze 1, Apr 1989valuable gifts of good advice from the world’s least complex pop group |
MDMAGroup: ChitChat |
Box PopFeature | Topic: Marketing / Promotion, Music Business, Performing, Video / Film / Picture | Phaze 1, May 1989trying to get on telly could be the most frustrating experience of your musical career; we pinpoint the pitfalls |
Promotion ContendersFeature | Topic: Live, Marketing / Promotion, Music Business | Phaze 1, Jun 1989what exactly do promoters do, and are they worth the money? |
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