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Search results

Care & Repair

Feature | Topic: Maintenance / Repair / Modification, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Sound International, Jun 1978
Tape Machine Line-Up

Richard Dean looks at tape machine line-up.

Getting Yourself Heard

Group: Alternatives to 'Product'

Feature | Topic: Marketing / Promotion | Sound International, Aug 1978

The feasibility of putting your own records out; Richard Dean tells how to beat them at their own game.

Setting up a small studio

Feature | Topic: Home Studio | Sound International, Sep 1978

Richard Dean tells how to get all the wires in the right places.

Making Studios Pay

Feature | Topic: Music Business, Recording Studios | Sound International, Dec 1978

Not, as you might have thought, a guide on how to run a protection racket (Sorry, Squire, I scratched the Westlake), but how to make them cost-effective.


News | Sound International, Jan 1979
Instruments and Equipment

Split as they are (these pages) into Studios and Recording, Instruments and Equipment, and Etcetera (for news pieces with no homes to go to).

Basic Multitrack - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Recording | Sound International, Feb 1979

Readers may suspect that Richard Dean's lapses into metaphysical metaphor result from a peyote button every five paragraphs. Yet this first article in his new series is full of useful tips beyond mere sound-on-sound.

Basic Multitrack - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Recording, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Sound International, Mar 1979
Editing Techniques

In the second part of this series, Richard Dean turns his attention to the equipment and techniques you need for removing the dead wood from your hard-won demo or master tape, and shows you how to make the kindest cut of all...

Basic Multitrack - Part 3

Feature Series | Topic: Recording | Sound International, Apr 1979
8-Track and the Jargon Jungle

Further into the jargon jungle of marvellous multitrack with Desperate Dean. Careful with them tracks, Richard.



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