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Feature | Topic: Sampling | Music Technology, Mar 1988

Don't delete those unsatisfactory samples until you've tried resampling them. Tom McLaughlin explains how you can turn a bad sample into a good one.

Alternative Strings

Feature | Topic: Sampling | Music Technology, Apr 1988

Stuck for a good string sound or one you haven't used a hundred times before? Tom McLaughlin explains how an old guitar, a violin bow and a little ingenuity can work wonders.

A Vocal Chord - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Sampling | Music Technology, May 1988

As you've probably already got your sampler playing drums, horns and strings, getting it to sing to you may sound deceptively easy. Tom McLaughlin explains there may be more to sampling the human voice than you'd heard.

A Vocal Chord - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Sampling | Music Technology, Jun 1988

In the second part of his piece on sampling the human voice, Tom McLaughlin discusses making up vocal multisamples and how to solve the problems you can expect to encounter.

Bass, How Low Can You Go?

Feature | Topic: Sampling | Music Technology, Jul 1988

It may be at the bottom of the mix, but it's often the heart of the song: the bass. Tom McLaughlin offers some sound advice on sampling the electric bass guitar.

Vocal Coding

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing | Music Technology, Aug 1988

If you thought vocoders were just an obsolete way of making a singer into a Dalek, you've been missing out. Tom McLaughlin explains music technology's most overlooked innovation.

Fun in the Waves - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Synthesis & Sound Design | Music Technology, Sep 1988

The benefits of additive synthesis software as a means of imitating natural sounds, creating new ones and tidying up your sample loops. Tom McLaughlin adds it all up.

Art of Glass

Feature | Topic: Sampling | Music Technology, Oct 1988

If you're short of a new source of samples you could do worse than to turn to the glass (not the bottle). Tom McLaughlin explains how a wine glass can provide a wide variety of unusual tone colours.

More Fun in the Waves - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Sampling, Synthesis & Sound Design | Music Technology, Oct 1988

Following last month's explanation of computer-generated waveforms and their uses, we look at strings of waveforms working together to build complex sounds. Tom McLaughlin investigates wavetables.


Feature | Topic: Synthesizer Patches | Music Technology, Oct 1988

Optical Media International Universe of Sounds Vol 3 for Emax, DPX1 and Emulator II joins our regular selection of readers' own synthesiser patches in MT's regular Patchwork column.

Map Rap

Feature | Topic: Sampling | Music Technology, Nov 1988

Turning a collection of samples into a usable keyboard patch is one of the most important aspects of sampling. Tom McLaughlin puts samples on the map.

Hey, Mr Tambourine Man

Feature | Topic: Drum Programming, Sampling | Music Technology, Jun 1991

Such a simple thing, a tambourine line, yet it's one of the lines drum machines can't handle. The Sample Workshop's Tom McLaughlin explains how to make convincing samples.

On The Attack

Feature | Topic: Sampling | Music Technology, Jan 1992

Attack transients can bring a new level of interest and realism to your samples. The London Sample Workshop's Tom McLaughlin explains this trick of the trade.

Sampling Techniques - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Sampling | Sound On Sound, Dec 1992
How To Get The Most From Your Sampler

Sampling Techniques - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Sampling | Sound On Sound, Jan 1993
How To Get The Most From Your Sampler

Sampling Techniques - Part 3

Feature Series | Topic: Sampling | Sound On Sound, Feb 1993
How To Get The Most From Your Sampler

Sampling Techniques - Part 4

Feature Series | Topic: Sampling | Sound On Sound, Mar 1993
How To Get The Most From Your Sampler



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