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'Adagio For a Hostage' by Patrick Moraz

Electro-Music Transcription | Patrick Moraz

Article from Electronics & Music Maker, November 1982

This is probably the only published piece for panpipes and synthesisers that you'll come across!

Adagio for a Hostage
Track from the LP Coexistence: Carrere CA 641, by Patrick Moraz

Here's our first piece for panpipes with accompaniment arranged to be played with synthesisers or other instruments, including guitar and drums. If you don't happen to have any panpipes handy, the solo line sounds great on a Lyricon, Variophon, Yamaha CS-01 (using the breath controller), or miked up flute/recorder. Another alternative is to use your favourite flute preset — the one on the new JVC KB-500 reviewed in this issue worked well. Whatever instruments you choose, the music provides an interesting study piece and can be multitracked or performed live with just two musicians, if the bass line is played from foot pedals.

The three line score represents the main melody (for Panpipes), the harmony and additional solo lines (for polyphonic and monophonic instruments), and bass line (for foot pedals or bass guitar). Rhythm guitar chords placed beneath the bass line can be used to fill in the harmony.

On the recording (which is part of our special album pack offer this month), Patrick Moraz plays all the keyboard instruments, with Syrinx performing on Panpipes, Richie Morales on drums and John Wooloff on guitars. Both Patrick and Syrinx do some multitracking to achieve the final rich layering (at letter E). The drum part can be programmed from a drum machine as suggested (basic drum beats have notes as crosses). The drums enter 3 bars before E and are primarily based on the rhythm in the first bar at E, (but use the footswitch to get round the 6/4 bars!).

It's an emotional piece that conveys Patrick's instinctive skill with harmonies and melodies. The music is almost hymn-like until the drums add a Bolero rhythm, and moves from D minor, through F minor, to a powerful middle section at D in Bb minor, followed by a strong counterpoint line on 'Horn' synth at E. The strength of the panpipes and their ability to blend with synthesisers is superbly demonstrated on the LP.

An original Electro-Music Transcription by Mike Beecher.

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Publisher: Electronics & Music Maker - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.

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Electronics & Music Maker - Nov 1982

Feature by Mike Beecher

Previous article in this issue:

> Patrick Moraz

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> Industry Profile

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