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The Front End

DJ Speak

Article from Making Music, November 1987

Anything can happen in the next half hour... I've lost my box of records
A chartbound sound there... The plugger took me out to lunch
Did you see the papers today? I'm in The Sun again
Drop us a line and share your tune with nine million listeners Drop us a line and share your tune with three million listeners
Great sounds there from... What was the last record called?
Much more music Much more inane chat
From the CD... We could tell the difference in the studio
Well, it said 33 rpm on the label I can't read
And it starts rather quietly My name is John Peel
The jazz sounds of... Aah, a record with a saxophone
Here's the long version... I'm going for a pee
My kind of music I actually like crap
A turntable hit... No-one bought it
Britain's number one chart show... Apart from the other one
Happening at six this week... I'm going to play another record
Classic sounds... An old record the immortal... A dead person
Great B-side there I put the wrong side on
Three in a row, there... I dropped my script
An exclusive interview... No-one else would talk to them
The legendary Past-it
Tell us in your own words... I've lost the press release
Pick a track for us... I haven't listened to it yet
13½ big minutes from the top of hour I've got nothing left to say
We have to fade that as it's time for the news I got my timings wrong

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Publisher: Making Music - Track Record Publishing Ltd, Nexus Media Ltd.

The current copyright owner/s of this content may differ from the originally published copyright notice.
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Making Music - Nov 1987

The Front End




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> Roadies

Next article in this issue:

> Smoke

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