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Famed Explorer finds IT!

Article from In Tune, June 1985

Looks like we've definitely come-up with a 'high-tech' issue of IN TUNE this month, what with reviews of such advanced products as the Bond Electraglide, the Staccato bass, the Greengate DS3 Apple sampler and the latest offerings in the Cutec range of studio/P.A. gear. We've also got ourselves a fine new keyboard writer in the person of Nick Graham. Nick is one of the country's most knowledgeable and well-respected session keyboardists, and seems to have landed two taxing jobs at the same time. In addition to being our main keyboard/computer music scribe, he's just joined The Explorers, the highly promising new band led by former Roxy veterans Phil Manzanera and Andy McKay. Between us, I suspect that we'll be making Nick a very busy man!

One of the very practical advantages of having working musicians writing for IN TUNE is that it enables them to test equipment under exactly the same circumstances as you'll be using it - on the road. To this end, Nick is currently equipping his keyboard system for the forthcoming Explorers tour with some products which he'll be reporting back to you on. The reviews which will follow, you can rest assured, will be authoritative and written from direct 'on the road' trials. The same goes for the review of the Roland JX8-P in this issue, which Nick used as part of a 'live' video recording.

Following the British leg of their tour, The Explorers are off to Japan and then Continental Europe. Again, Nick will be testing gear under these arduous circumstances and will also be writing about life on the road as it is today. Meanwhile, why not try and get along to an Explorers gig, and grab the rare opportunity to see an IT person doing some work!! Seriously, though, the band promises to be an exciting outfit.

Needless to say, amid all this high-tech stuff we've still found room for reviews of more traditional gear, and I promise you that IT will never overdo the electronic side of things - as far as we're concerned, an acoustic guitar is just as valuable a musical instrument as a computer-controlled synth. Our coverage will remain steadfastly balanced!

One request we've had from very many IT readers - and which we'd really like to cater for - is to provide help on making your own effects and accessory gear from easy to assemble kits. We think that we've definitely got something new to offer here, and are in the process of tying-up a new series on this very subject. More details will follow as soon as we have them! We've also done what so many of you have asked for in your letters, and dug-up some back issues. You've also asked for magazine binders, and so we've got some really good quality ones for you, and at reasonable prices. What's more, we've even invested in some high quality British-made IN TUNE T-Shirts (complete with the super-cool IT Cat design!) which we reckon you'll find extremely good value. We've got a bet on with the IT Cat (a quid to a dead mouse on a stick) that only a lunatic would voluntarily wear an IT Cat T-Shirt - so please don't order any, otherwise we lose the bet and end-up rooting round the office skirting boards looking for mice!

Finally, the new computers which we've been waffling on about for months have started to arrive, and one of the first tasks will be a complete re-loading of our reader mailing list. DON'T WORRY - no-one will be left out, and you don't need to register again with us - once is enough! There might well be a few hiccups while we install the new system, but these will only entail a very few duplications of copies, not missing ones. By next month everything should be running smoothly on the distribution score (or is that tempting fate?). If (through some awful deed in a past life) you should get two copies of this issue - sorry, it won't happen again, but please pass the duplicate on to a friend.

Anyway, I'm getting a bit too close to the bottom of the page for comfort here, so I'd better leave you to turn over and see what we made of this month's review gear, not to mention what we've cooked-up in the way of features. As ever, thanks for all your letters. Between us we must be giving the Post Office hell - serves 'em right! See you next month!

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Publisher: In Tune - Moving Music Ltd.

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In Tune - Jun 1985

Donated by: Gordon Reid


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