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The Electric Drummer (Part 2) | |
Article from Electronics & Music Maker, January 1982 |
IC 1: | Port A | 40H |
Port B | 41H | |
Port C | 42H | |
Control | 43H | |
IC2: | Port A | 80H |
Port B | 81H | |
Port C | 82H | |
Control | 83H | |
IC3: | 00H | 05H |
The trigger outputs are standard +15V pulses. The cassette interface is implemented without the use of a USART; all timing is carried out by the processor, and to ensure correct operation, a software error checking system is used.
As no PCB will be produced for this project, it is suggested that it is constructed on DIP board using Verowire or wire-wrap. It is, of course, possible to put the processor and memory on the same board, but the use of the MPC board makes the task far easier. Remember to include several 10nF decoupling capacitors.
Two options are available for connecting the board to the front panel and trigger output sockets. The cheapest method is to use Veropins on the board and wire each to the appropriate lamp/switch. As there are so many connections, however, you may prefer to use edge connectors and ribbon cable for this purpose.
Figure 1 shows the suggested power supply. All voltage regulators should be mounted on heatsinks or, if a metal cabinet is used, they could be mounted on the back panel (using mica washers for insulation, of course). The 0.47uF and 0.1uF capacitors should be connected as close to the pins of the regulators as possible. The -15V supply is required for the sound generator board, and may therefore be omitted if the Electric Drummer is used only to drive other equipment.
In the next article we will look at the optional battery backup circuit, and at a suitable sound generator board to use with the Electric Drummer.
Read the next part in this series:
All parts in this series:
Bionic Trumpet |
Adding Fine Tuning To Standard Controls |
The Miniblo |
Phantom Power Module |
An Ultra VCO From The 4720 |
The Layman's Guide to Digital Logic Gates - (in one easy lesson) |
The String Damper |
The Spectrum Synthesiser - Professional Quality Monophonic Instrument (Part 1) |
Adding an Independent Tracking Output to the 4780 Sequencer |
Lab Notes: Computer Music Without the Computer - or: What to do 'til your processor arrives. |
Soldering On (Part 1) |
How It Works - Drum Machine |
Browse by Topic:
Part 1 | Part 2 (Viewing) | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Feature by Peter Kershaw
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