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A Date With The Cramps

The Cramps

Article from Making Music, May 1986

Lux Interior and Poison Ivy - the genuinely charming singer and guitarist of top psychobilly combo, The Cramps - share their thoughts on a few topics dear to Jon Lewin's heart...


Ivy: Seventeen in one day, all asking "why did you call your new ellpeee, 'A Date With Elvis'"?

Lux: And we still don't have a good answer. Nick Knox, our drummer, rang my room at 2am last night - 'Hey Lux - why did we call it "A Date...".' He's a real bundle of laughs.


I: We record on 16 track instead of 24, because it gives better quality - there's more tape to put the music on. At Ocean Voice Studios, where we did the new LP, we had space for Nick to be in a room of his own, and I could still play with him, doing bass or guitar, and having Lux do the reference vocal in another room.

L: Half the vocals on the album weren't overdubbed: we do it all pretty live in the studio, except when the sound's too fucked up.

I: It's hard to get the same dynamics on record as on stage.


I: What a pain. I played the bass on the album; but nothing's changed about our music since we started using bass.

L: Having a bass player really isn't a matter of importance to us.


I: A 1958 Chet Atkins 6120; and a beautiful gold 1952 Gibson ES295 - it sounds so beautiful, it even has an Ivy motif on the pickguard, though that's not why I bought it - it's the same colour as my car. I wouldn't dream of playing the Gibson on stage, as it's just too fragile and bulky. And I use a Supafuzz pedal, and nothing sounds like it in the world. They stopped making them in the early 70s, so you can't get them anymore. Nothing sustains like a Supafuzz.


I: That frying noise is a Fender Bass six, which has Strat pickups, played back through a Fender amp for the tremolo.

L: The state of equipment today is terrible - you can't buy a good fuzz, Fender have cancelled the tremolo in all their amps...

I: But it's such a simple soulful sound. Nowadays we have to use a vibrato pedal on the bass. I use a Pro Reverb onstage.


I: We used to only use E - that's my favourite for all those open chords - but then we introduced the key of A, and now we do a couple of songs in the key of C.


I: That has a strong rockabilly sound, which I have a fascination for... that little snaky mysterious guitar thing, like a musical question mark - asking 'what's inside a girl?'.


I: Link Wray... Johnny Burnette in 'People Ain't No Good', and The Sonics, Scotty Moore... we try and use the cream of whatever influences, plus the cream of our own ideas.


L: I wrote the words of that song in like two minutes while Ivy was having a shower, and she did the music the same day. Those weird backing vocals were put through a stereo Magnetone amp, the same amp that Duane Eddy used.

I: With tremolo... It's the only way in the world you can get that effect.


L: We get most of our production ideas from old records.

I: Production's very important. We produce ourselves now, as we weren't happy with the sound of our earlier records, except for "Gravest Hits", 'Domino', 'Way I Walk', and 'Human Fly', which was just a rough mix.


L: So what else is new? I'm always concerned about my words, 'cos I'd feel real stupid standing up in front of a lot of people singing something I don't believe in.


L: Listen to old records and try to understand the feelings that were going on... try and understand what was great about rock & roll, or the mid-sixties. Don't just copy songs or fashions but try to understand what was happening in culture at the time. Great rock & roll is timeless, whether it's 20 years or two years old.

I: Technically? Try and get a guitar that's difficult to play. My guitar is a real struggle, and I use heavier gauge strings (011-049) because they make a better sound. I don't enjoy slinky strings - I need to feel the physical sensation of playing.

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Publisher: Making Music - Track Record Publishing Ltd, Nexus Media Ltd.

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Making Music - May 1986


The Cramps



Interview by Jon Lewin

Previous article in this issue:

> Album Analysis

Next article in this issue:

> Ibanez digital footpedal eff...

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