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Buyer's Bible | |
Article from Making Music, December 1987 |
This article has not been OCR'd yet - it's likely of less importance than reviews, features and interviews, and where there isn't much point in OCR'ing - competitions, readers ads, readers letters, small news items and so on. Some of this content may be OCR'd at a later date, but it's a low priority.
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Sampler Survey |
Unexpected Repercussions - BUYING & USING: percussion |
Percussion Guide |
Tape Machines Survey (Part 1) |
Which Hofner? |
Digital Delays Survey |
Home Recording - The Four Track Future - Where To Start With Cassette-Based Recording |
Home Recording (Part 1) |
Machines £200 to £500 |
MIDI Product Guide |
Polysynth Checklist |
Secondhand Synths - Buying a Secondhand Synth |
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Feature by Tony Campbell
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