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Plus ça ChangeArticle from Electronics & Music Maker, August 1985 |
Editorial writes and wrongs.
If you're lucky, you'll be reading this before the British Music Fair opens its doors to the public on August 2. Because by an unfortunate positioning of schedules (it happens every year), this issue of E&MM isn't due to hit the streets until only a week or so before the BMF commences — which is why we've afforded it less prominence this month than you might otherwise have expected. It's a significant show, nevertheless, and personally, I hope it'll be a good one. I don't just mean good for us as a magazine (though obviously the more dazzling new items of technology there are on display, the more action-packed September's show report will be), but good for musicians in general and, naturally, the music industry as a whole.
We're lucky, of course, in that hi-tech is one area of the musical instrument business that's really going great guns - in spite of the odd pop music trend that might suggest otherwise. With more market areas vying for consumers' spare cash than ever, hi-tech music is weathering the storm particularly well, and it's my belief that it'll continue to do so. If there isn't much of interest at the BMF, we'll know it won't. But then, I'd be very surprised if that were to turn out to be the case.
Anyway, if you are going down to Olympia 2, be sure to drop by to the Music Maker Publications stand, where you may be unfortunate enough to meet one of the staff, chat in a friendly and inspiring way with them, and then be assaulted by an over-enthusiastic Director trying to get rid of the last of the old-style E&MM T-shirts.
Ah, yes. The new front cover style. Well, we did warn you last month that change was on its way, though if for some reason you were caught unawares by the switch from Crillee Bold Italic to Goudy Old Style Roman (nope, I never was all that good at Letraset-speak), I apologise.
We also said there'd be changes inside the magazine, too, but I guess some of you might still be wondering what happened to all the 'Hardware' reviews, and why 'Computer Musician' appears to have sunk without trace. Fear not, for only the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Seriously though, when Mike Beecher (my predecessor in the E&MM hot seat) conceived of the idea of 'Computer Musician' alongside the supplement's erstwhile Consultant Editor, David Ellis, the idea was that it would one day get so big, it would have to have a magazine all to itself.
Two years on, the reverse has actually taken place. 'Computer Musician' has got so big, we've done away with it as a section altogether, since in our view, the distinction between it and the rest of E&MM was becoming something of a bogus one. After all, you can't look inside a piece of review equipment these days without looking at a computer (albeit a dedicated one), and you can barely talk to a modern musician who hasn't got an opinion on what computers should and should not be used for. And as for the distinction between hardware and software... well, suffice to say it's now too grey an area for us to want to spend much time penetrating, at least for the time being. Thus, we've decided to drop the 'Hardware' tag and bring all reviews of new products under the umbrella title of 'Appraisal', which just about encompasses everything.
Actually, Clive Goodyer (brother of Music Editor Tim, though he himself denies any knowledge of the fact) had some difficulty spelling 'Appraisal' when he came to designing our new section artwork, so we nearly had second thoughts. Nonetheless, E&MM's beleaguered Art Department (which we share with four other rapidly expanding monthly magazines, remember) would like it known they're extremely grateful to Clive for getting them out of a sticky situation. They'd also like to make it clear there won't be any articles, pages, listings, paragraphs, sentences or words in the wrong order in this month's E&MM, so that nothing will stand in the way of your enjoying the world's most fearless musician's magazine.
Or says it so here.
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