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Ultimate Support Liberty Mic Stand

Article from Recording Musician, August 1992

The Liberty mic stand from Ultimate Support is a lightweight, portable and very sturdy device. Finished in sleek matt black, it is as much at home in a studio as it is on the road — road users, especially, will appreciate its lightness and the ease with which it can be set up.

The stand features a flat three-legged base, the legs of which fold up alongside the main pole. A quick twist of the big locking nut on the base, and the legs can be folded down. Another twist of the base lock (in the opposite direction) and the legs are locked in place. Your mic stand is now as stable as they come. The pole can be extended by pressing the grip near the top and pulling up — it's that simple. There are no locking joints to unscrew or come loose during your set or mid-song. What a great idea.

A threaded protrusion allows mic clips to be screwed onto the stand; there is no mic clip provided, but most mics come packaged with one anyway. The fully extended height doesn't quite reach six feet, but that's plenty tall enough for most uses.

In use, the ease of setting up is most welcome, but possibly the most important thing is the feel: it's very well-made, very nicely finished, with no pointy metallic bits to catch on clothing or cause damage. It's a bit pricier than most ordinary mic stands, perhaps, but this is not your ordinary mic stand. This stand is an investment, and users will no doubt be setting up and collapsing the Liberty long after ordinary stands have collapsed for good. And if you're in need of further convincing, Ultimate Support offer a lifetime warranty on their products. That's what I call confidence.

Further Information
Ultimate Support Liberty Stand £64.63. MIC320B boom attachment £21.15. Both prices include VAT.

HW International, (Contact Details).

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Tandy Tie-Clip Mic

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Data Director SCSI Box

Publisher: Recording Musician - SOS Publications Ltd.
The contents of this magazine are re-published here with the kind permission of SOS Publications Ltd.

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Recording Musician - Aug 1992

Donated & scanned by: Mike Gorman

Review by Derek Johnson

Previous article in this issue:

> Tandy Tie-Clip Mic

Next article in this issue:

> Data Director SCSI Box

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