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The Cramps - A Date With The Cramps

Interview | Making Music, May 1986

The Cramps - A Date With The Cramps

Interview | International Musician, May 1986

Shake, rattle and howl: The Cramps are back with a bang. Facing them, with nary a whimper: Tony Reed

The Cramps - Cramped Style

Interview | One Two Testing, May 1986

Tacky facts on schlock rock shock

This artist was mentioned in these interviews

The Producers

Interview | International Musician, Jul 1986

Uncle Chas de Whalley talks to Barry Andrews about life with Auntie

Blinded By Science

Interview | One Two Testing, Jun 1986

More racket, this time from down under

This artist was mentioned in these other articles


News | Making Music, May 1986

The musicians' gossip column. Stuff you wouldn't believe. (We didn't.)



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