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The Grid - On The Grid

Interview | Music Technology, Apr 1990

When Soft Cell disbanded, Marc Almond quickly established himself as a solo artist, but what became of his keyboard-playing partner? David Bradwell talks to David Ball about his latest project.

The Grid - Grid Patterns

Interview | Music Technology, Nov 1992
Floyd, Eno, Gabriel... Grid?

New Grid on the block

The Grid - Children of the Evolution

Interview | The Mix, Oct 1994

Talking pictures with the dance duo

The Grid - Grid Reference

Interview | Sound On Sound, Nov 1992
This artist was mentioned in these interviews

Philip Glass - Glassworks

Interview | Electronic Soundmaker, Mar 1984

Minimalist extraordinaire


Interview | Music Technology, Oct 1993

In our exclusive interview, the great domed one himself waxes ambient on remixing, jazz, Sinatra, computers, the Eventide H-3000 and his own original definition of a new, environmentally sound music

Dream Sequence

Interview | Music Technology, Nov 1993

The original ambient funsters have a new studio album all but ready, a live album on the way and a major recording deal in the offing. Jonathan Miller encounters Dr Alex Paterson and Thrash on the verge of a higher plane...

Lost in Trance

Interview | Music Technology, Apr 1994

Currently opening the show for the Megadog Midi Circus, Toby Marks (aka Banco de Gaia) is living proof that one man and a rack full of gear can get an audience to its feet and keep it there. And as Phil Ward discovers, Toby enjoys meeting people, likes to travel and drives a small red van.

SNAP! to tomorrow

Interview | The Mix, Nov 1994

Luca of Snap chats about all things multimedia

Fifty feet high and rising

Interview | The Mix, Nov 1994

Lion Rock’s main man and individualist deckmaster

Klaus Schulze

Interview | Sound On Sound, Feb 1993
European Son

Emmett Chapman - Stick To This

Interview | Topic: Design, Development & Manufacture | Music Technology, Aug 1987
Tech Talk

The inventor of the curious Electric Stick recently left his native America to promote the latest MIDI-equipped version of his brainchild. Tim Goodyer caught him Stick-in-hand for a talk about his invention and his vision of its future.

Ultravox - Re-Vox

Interview | Music Technology, Mar 1993

Ultravox: New improved formula

We found these other (non-interview) articles that are linked to this artist

The Grid - National grid

News | The Mix, Jul 1994
This artist was mentioned in these other articles

Steinberg Cubase - Part 2

Review Series | Music Technology, Sep 1989
Atari ST Software

In the second half of this definitive review. Nigel Lord looks into the editing and scorewriting facilities of Steinberg's latest sequencing software.

Virtuoso In-Depth

Feature | Micro Music, Dec 1989

Jim Spriggs gives us a more comprehensive look at the first package to come from the Digital Muse


Review | Music Technology, Jul 1989
Atari ST Software

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Or is it possibly the most impressive piece of software around? Ian Waugh plugs into the Grid and emerges a wiser man.

TDM Virtuoso

Review | Music Technology, Oct 1989

From a new British company comes a new Atari ST software sequencer that looks set to rival Notator and Cubase for power and versatility. The virtuous Nigel Lord boots it up.

The Digital Muse Prodigy

Review | Music Technology, Apr 1990
Software for the Atari ST

Son of TDM's Virtuoso ST sequencing software, the budget Prodigy retains many of its parent's best features. Ian Waugh checks out the fastest little sequencer in the west.

Valves Revealed

Feature | One Two Testing, Jan 1983

They glow, they get warm, they emit fabulous sounds then break. One Two casts its one good scientific eye over the story of the bottle and comes up with some answers.

Steinberg Cubeat

Review | Music Technology, May 1991
Atari Sequencing Software

Son of Cubase: this stripped-down version of Steinberg's powerful sequencer retains many of its best functions. Nigel Lord and ST, and Cubase makes three.

Clash of the Titans

Review | Micro Music, Oct/Nov 1989

Two multi-tasking packages, Virtuoso and Cubase, meet in the ring. Jim Spriggs plays referee

Iconix Software

Review | Music Technology, Aug 1987
Software for the Atari ST

The first release from a British company called System Exclusive is a 128-track sequencer for the Atari ST. Simon 'ST Trask (and his assistant, 'Mouse') find it both powerful and flexible.

Software Support

Feature | Topic: Computing, Sequencing | Sound On Sound, Sep 1991
Hints, Tips & News From The World Of Music Software

More hints and tips from the software manufacturers themselves. This month: C-Lab, Steinberg, and Coda.

Compu-Mates R100 DrumDroid

Review | Music Technology, Feb 1988

A new programming aid for the Kawai R100 takes the form of DrumDroid software for the Atari ST. Scott Gershin becomes a "mouse drummer".



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