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49 Hot Signal Processing Tips

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing | Sound On Sound, Jun 1989

The more imagination you apply to signal processors, the more you can get out of them. Craig Anderton presents 49 tips that take you beyond stock effects and into new ways of creating your own sonic signature.

A Chorus Line-Up

Feature | Topic: Buyer's Guide, Effects Processing | Making Music, Dec 1986
Which Chorus?

Come with us now as we check out more than 20 different chorus boxes and tell you which is best.

Alesis D4 Drum Processing Tricks

Feature | Topic: Drum Programming, Effects Processing | Sound On Sound, Nov 1993

All About Reverb

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing | Sound On Sound, Sep 1993

All Things Being Equal

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing, Sound Fundamentals | Electronic Soundmaker, Mar 1985

Equalisation in the studio is a major aspect of most recording work. We take you through the basics and give a guide to some of the better buys.

Aural Examination

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing | Making Music, Feb 1987
Aural Exciters

Strange devices that MAKE YOU pay attention.

Build a Modular Vocoder

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing, Electronics / Build | Polyphony, Sep/Oct 1978

Cause An Effect

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing | Music Technology, May 1991

Effects processing is now an integral part of a recording studio - large or small. Aaron Hallas goes back to basics in this introduction to sound treatment.


Feature | Topic: Effects Processing | Sound On Sound, Nov 1993

Compression and Limiting

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing | Home & Studio Recording, Aug 1984
Studio Sound Techniques

The lowdown on Compressor-Limiters, and how to use them.

Compression expression

Feature Audio | Topic: Effects Processing | The Mix, Sep 1994

Thresholds and ratios explained

Compression Session - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Effects Processing | Making Music, Sep 1986

What it cn d fr th horn recordist (note clever typing trick).

Compressors - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Effects Processing | Recording Musician, Feb 1993
Sound Workshop

What's a compressor? Why do you need one? How do you use it? Paul White reveals all.

Creative Gating

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing | Sound On Sound, Jul 1993
Masterclass - Noise Gates


Feature | Topic: Effects Processing | One Two Testing, Dec 1984

a family tree for effects pedals

De-Esser Project

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing, Electronics / Build | Home & Studio Recording, Aug 1986

Abolish sibilance with this well designed, cost-effective addition to the Tanrak.

Delay Technology

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing | Home & Studio Recording, Aug 1984

Flanging, phasing, echo and reverb etc. all described in full.

Delaying Tactics

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing | Making Music, Dec 1986

There now follows a short delay-ay, a middle-sized delay-lay-ay, and a long delay-elay-lay-ay-y.

Delaying Tactics

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing | Electronic Soundmaker, Nov 1984

Having fun with digital delays.

Describing the Delay

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing | Home & Studio Recording, May 1987

There's a lot more to the humble digital delay than meets the eye. Paul White investigates.

Digital Delays Survey

Feature | Topic: Buyer's Guide, Effects Processing | One Two Testing, Dec 1985

run-down on nearly 20

Digital Effects

Feature | Topic: Buyer's Guide, Effects Processing | Sound On Sound, May 1992
A Guide to Digital Reverbs, Delays and Multi-Effects Units

Julian Colbeck takes a look at what's on offer in the world of digital reverbs, delays and multi-effects units, and explains how to choose between them.

Digital Reverb Guide

Feature | Topic: Effects Processing | Sound On Sound, Jul 1987

Mark Jenkins brings you a round-up of the current state of the digital reverb market.

Digital Signal Processing - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Effects Processing | Sound On Sound, Nov 1989
PART TWO: Basic Effects

PART 2: Carrying on from last month's explanation of the basic principles of digital signal processing, Jim Grant explains how to put these into practice and create some useful and familiar effects.

Digital Signal Processing - Part 3

Feature Series | Topic: Effects Processing | Sound On Sound, Dec 1989
Digital Filtering

PART 3: In this final part, Jim Grant builds upon the basic DSP operations of arithmetic and delay, covered in the previous articles, and concentrates on some modern day applications.



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