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A New Angle On FM?Review | Sound On Sound, May 1989Yamaha TQ5 ExpanderStylish or ugly, don't let the TQ5’s unconventional casing distract you from the fact that with its 8-track integral sequencer and digital effects, this 4-operator FM expander packs a pretty powerful punch for the money. David Hughes reports from his ring-side seat. |
Yamaha TQ5Review | Micro Music, Jun/Jul 1989John Renwick puts this sequencer/sound module through its paces |
Yamaha TQ5Review | Music Technology, Jun 1989FM Tone GeneratorIt's small, grey and made by Yamaha - it must be an FM MIDI expander. Ian Waugh checks out the latest application of Yamaha's favourite synthesiser technology. |
Yamaha TQ5 Tone GeneratorReview | Phaze 1, Jun 1989 |
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