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mu:zines is the result of thousands of hours of effort, and will require many thousands more going forward to reach our goals of getting all this content online.

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Donations for February 2025
Issues donated this month: 13

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Funds donated this month: £14.00

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In Deep

Review | Sound On Sound, Apr 1992
With The Roland JD800

One year after reviewing the instrument that brought back knobs and sliders, Julian Colbeck presents an in-depth user report on Roland's flagship JD800 synthesizer.

Knobular Synthesis

Review | Sound On Sound, Apr 1991
Roland JD800 Programmable Synthesizer

Already a strong contender for hot keyboard of the year, Roland's new JD800 puts analogue-style knobs and sliders back on the front panel of a modern digital synth. Julian Colbeck goes "wow"!

Roland JD800

Review | Music Technology, Jun 1991
Digital Synthesiser

Roland's latest synth combines the power of digital synthesis with the interactive approach of analogue programming. The pleasure of synthesis returns to the player and to Simon Trask.

We found these other (non-review) articles that are linked to this gear

The Synth Is Dead: Long Live The Synth

Feature | Topic: Synthesis & Sound Design | Sound On Sound, Oct 1992

With the predominance of the workstation synth, and the rise and rise of essentially preset instruments, what has become of the 'traditional' synthesizer? Paul Hazel turns the spotlight on Roland's JD800 and Korg's Wavestation, two recent instruments which answer the question — but in very different ways.



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