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Korg Digital Voice ProcessorPreview | Sound On Sound, Jan 1986Whilst the race is on to MIDIfy every effect under the sun, Korg suddenly leap ahead of the rest with their DVP-1. Ian Gilby delivers an exclusive preview of this unique rack-mounting device that combines a vocoder, harmoniser and pitch transposer with MIDI control. |
Korg Digital Voice Processor DVP-1Review | International Musician, May 1986EffectsCheckIs it a vocoder? Is it a harmoniser? It's both — and a bit more, besides, as Jim Betteridge finds out. |
Roland VP70Review | Music Technology, Nov 1987Voice ProcessorMore than just a vocoder, this voice processor incorporates pitch shifting and pitch-to-MIDI conversion. Bob O'Donnell listens to what it has to say for itself. |
The Sound of the VoiceReview | Electronics & Music Maker, May 1986Korg DVP1 VocoderKorg's Digital Voice Processor is the first digital vocoder, but offers a number of other facilities as well. Tim Goodyer finds out what it has to say for itself. |
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