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Tape Line-Up - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Sound Fundamentals, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Sound On Sound, Sep 1986

Know anything about bias, test-tones or calibration? If you use a tape recorder then you should! In the first of two parts, David Mellor explains the need for tape recorder line-up procedures and unravels the mystery behind this arcane science which can have a profound affect on the quality of your recordings.

Look No Hands!

Review | Home & Studio Recording, Oct 1986
Audio Kinetics Master Mix and Q-lock

Full automation for any engineer who feels himself in need of twenty fingers when it comes to the mix.

Audio Kinetics Pacer Synchroniser

Review | Sound On Sound, Oct 1986

The big boys of the synchronising world have sat back and observed the appearance of budget systems from Fostex and SMPL over the past six months. Now Audio Kinetics dip their not in considerable toe in the water with the launch of their own low-cost chase synchroniser system, the Pacer. David Mellor checks it out.

Tape Line-Up - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Sound Fundamentals, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Sound On Sound, Oct 1986

Part 2. If you developed a stomach ulcer through reading last month's instalment on the theory of line-up and haven't dared go near your tape machine since, you can stop worrying no was David Mellor tells you exactly what to do to achieve perfection in your recorded sound.

Yamaha QX5 Sequencer

Review | Sound On Sound, Dec 1986

Less a sequencer more an astonishingly flexible 8-track digital multitrack for keyboards. David Mellor pinpoints the essential differences and judges where the QX5 fits into the Yamaha product line.

Studio Tokyo

Feature | Topic: Recording Studios | Sound On Sound, Dec 1986

You'll be hard pushed to find a UK studio that isn't choc-a-bloc with Japanese studio equipment, but have you ever wondered what they use? David Mellor takes a slow boat that bypasses China, and visits two Tokyo studios to find out.

Soundtracs PC MIDI mixer

Review | Sound On Sound, Feb 1987

More and more mixer manufacturers are waking up to the benefits MIDI can offer in a mixdown situation by incorporating MIDI-controlled muting on their products. Engineer/musician David Mellor checks out what the PC can do.

How It Works - Tape Machines - Part 1

Feature Series | Topic: Sound Fundamentals, Tape, Vinyl, CD, DAT | Sound On Sound, Feb 1987

You can always get more out of your equipment if you know more about it. David Mellor begins a new series that explores the innermost workings of various studio devices. This month: the Tape Recorder.

The Professionals

Feature | Topic: Music Business | Sound On Sound, Mar 1987
PRS - The Performing Right Society

The first of an occasional series in which David Mellor takes a look at the organisations that help musicians and composers earn an honest crust in this hard world. This month: the Performing Right Society.

How It Works - Digital Audio - Part 2

Feature Series | Topic: Sound Fundamentals | Sound On Sound, Mar 1987

In the second instalment of our 'How It Works' series, engineer/musician David Mellor focuses on the operational principles of digital audio systems.

How It Works - Interconnection - Part 3

Feature Series | Topic: Electronics / Build, Maintenance / Repair / Modification | Sound On Sound, Apr 1987

If a pair of trendy phono leads for your record player can cost as much as £100 or more, how much should it cost to cable up your studio? David Mellor has the answer...

Yamaha RX5

Review | Sound On Sound, Apr 1987
To Call It A Drum Machine Would Be An Insult!

The pace of change never slackens at the Nippon Gakki factory. The piano makers turned motorbike manufacturers roar in with a new digital rhythm machine, the RX5. Review by David Mellor

Nomad SMC 1.0 SMPTE/MIDI controller

Review | Sound On Sound, May 1987

Nomad's first product is a low cost SMPTE reader/generator that allows MIDI drum machines, synths and sequencers to sync to tape easily. David Mellor puts it to the test.

The Professionals: MCPS

Feature | Topic: Music Business | Sound On Sound, May 1987
The Mechanical Copyright Protection Society

The second of an occasional series in which David Mellor takes a look at the organisations that help musicians and composers earn an honest crust in this hard world. This month: the Mechanical Copyright Protection Society.

How It Works - Noise Reduction - Part 4

Feature Series | Topic: Effects Processing, Recording, Sound Fundamentals | Sound On Sound, Jun 1987

David Mellor continues our 'How It Works' series with an investigation of the many ways available to help silence your recordings!

Digital Recordings

Review | Sound On Sound, Jul 1987

Sound engineer David Mellor checks out the most boring Compact Disc in the world: Korg's first digital collection of sound samples!

Inside Views: Ray Dolby

Interview | Sound On Sound, Jul 1987
The world's best known engineer

Ray Dolby's name appears on almost every recording device imaginable, yet few people outside the industry know much about this most famous engineer. In a rare interview he talks to David Mellor and explains the evolution of Dolby noise reduction.

How It Works - The Microphone - Part 5

Feature Series | Topic: Microphones, Sound Fundamentals | Sound On Sound, Jul 1987

Continuing our 'How It Works' series, David Mellor lays bare the facts about the applications and workings of the commonest types of microphone.

Yamaha DMP7 Digital Mixer

Review | Sound On Sound, Jul 1987
Digital Mixing Processor

A fully automated, digital mixer with built-in multi-effects and full MIDI control for under £3,000? Hard to believe. David Mellor visits the Yamaha research and development centre in London to try out this amazing innovation in the flesh and discovers that the DMP7 is no fantasy!

Tantek Master Matrix

Review | Sound On Sound, Aug 1987

It may sound like something out of a Dr Who plot but this British electronic patchbay system attracted enormous interest from pro studio users at this year's APRS show. David Mellor got hold of a Matrix to find out just what all the fuss is about.

Sound Effects

Review | Sound On Sound, Sep 1987

The BBC's sound effects records have been the staple diet of many a film, TV and radio production. Now there is a new generation of digitally recorded sound effects available on compact disc which are ideal for sampling. David Mellor assesses their worth.

How It Works - Loudspeakers - Part 6

Feature Series | Topic: Sound Fundamentals | Sound On Sound, Sep 1987

Another in our 'How It Works' series. David Mellor kicks off a two-part investigation into the practicalities of bins, horns, tweeters and woofers. Baffled? You won't be once you've read this!

Akai S900 Revisited

Review | Sound On Sound, Oct 1987

S900 owner David Mellor receives a package in the post from Akai, which rekindles his enthusiasm in the sampler which was one of the first to combine a wealth of facilities with a reasonable price. Will the Version 2.0 software update bring the Akai into line with the latest samplers on the market or has it become old technology - just after its first birthday?

How It Works - Loudspeakers - Part 7

Feature Series | Topic: Sound Fundamentals | Sound On Sound, Oct 1987

Last month, David Mellor explained how loudspeaker drive units work and how manufacturers sometimes try to pull the acoustic wadding over our ears. Part 2 tells the story of how the loudspeaker works as a system, the reason for crossovers, and gives a couple of hints on how to make BIY (bodge-it-yourself) cabinets.

Sony DTC-1000ES

Review | Sound On Sound, Oct 1987
Digital Audio Tape Recorder

After months of waiting, speculation and peering at display models hidden behind bullet-proof perspex screens, R-DAT has finally appeared in Britain. Are we all ready for digital recording yet or should we stick to the tried and trusted Revox? David Mellor looks at the first product from Sony, the DTC-1000ES, and gives it a taste of professional abuse.



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