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Article from Electronics & Music Maker, April 1986 |
Casio CZ101, Korg Poly 800, Roland SH101 and Yamaha DX100 synths feature in this month's edition of the readers' synth sound page. Keep 'em coming...
Wanna free subscription to E&MM? Then send us your favourite sounds for inclusion in Patchwork, and if one of them gets to the printed page, you'll receive the next 12 issues of your favourite musicians' magazine (either that, or you'll get E&MM instead).
So get twiddling (or digit pushing), and send your patch on a copy of an owner's manual patch chart (coupled with a blank one for artwork purposes), including a good description of the sound and its musical purpose in life-and don't forget to include your full name and address on each chart. The address to send to: Patchwork, E&MM, (Contact Details).
Mark Ballamy, Surrey
Are you a jazz afficionado? Do you own a Poly 800? Then have we got some sounds for you! We thought we'd see the MkI off in style with no less than eight patches for you to program into your Korg.
The titles are pretty self-explanatory, but the first five sounds are intended for jazz soloing or fusion work, while the mellow Double Bass is useful as an accompaniment, played by the Poly 800's built-in sequencer. The final pair, Glockenspiel and Harp, are quite similar in texture, and you may find that both sounds are more usable with a slightly shorter release time, and that they're further enhanced by a touch of reverb.
If you've been quick off the mark and got yourself a Poly 800II, these patches should work even better, though note that quite a few parameters have had their numbers altered in the change-over between Mks I and II.
Wonder who'll be first in with a patch for the new machine...
Tim Dickerson (No address supplied)
Patchwork receives more sounds for the budget Casio than any other synth these days - but keep them coming! 'Lazer Guitar' works well for both bass and lead lines, yet also serves as a good building block for creating further sounds - attention to the envelope curve should bring rich rewards. Note also that a different effect is obtained by varying the time over which the keys remain depressed. Anyway, as soon as Tim lets us have his address, the wheels of industry will start turning on his free sub...
Neil Jones, London
Neil had the foresight to submit his sound on a short audio cassette (great idea, that), which is just as well. See what you make of this, his written description: 'Imagine the scene. A cold November night... a bomber's moon... perfect. Kenneth More, Richard Todd and John Mills take off into the night sky. The throb of engines, the smell of the cordite. They drop their deadly cargo, shake hands, and turn for home. "Good show old boy", says Richard. "I thought we'd bought it for a moment." "Pity about Ginger and Roger. Dashed bad luck, the tail falling off like that." "I wonder if I can have their tea ration... ?"'
Yes, you've guessed. '633 Squadron' simulates the throbbing of a plane's engine interspersed with bombs dropping - an effect made even more dramatic by using the Bender. Not likely to appear on the next smash hit (though maybe the Sputniks will use it one day), but it's nice to know sound synthesis still retains an element of fun for some. Well done, Neil.
Carl Chamberlain, Bournemouth
We thought it was about time the DX7 gave way to another member of its illustrious family, so here's a patch for the baby DXs.
'Rich Chord' is an amalgamation of organ and piano with just a touch of gritty synth, and as such could serve a multitude of musical purposes. That said, it carries the air of being 'almost great', and FM enthusiasts will no doubt dissect it in the interests of further experimentation. But then, that's what Patchwork is all about.
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Guide To Electro-Music Techniques - Patchwork |
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One For The 7 - DX7 Patch |
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A Selective Survey of Lead Line Synthesizers
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Brian Chatton on the Poly 800
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Casio CZ-101 - Professional Polyphonic Synth
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Casio CZ101
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Casio CZ101 - Synthcheck
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Customise (Part 1)
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Digital Dynamite
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Korg Poly 800 - Asia and the Poly 800
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Korg Poly 800 Synthesiser
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Korg Poly-800 vs SCI Six-Traks
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Roland SH-101
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Short Circuit
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System Power
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The Dynamic Duo
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Yamaha DX100 - SynthCheck
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Yamaha DX100
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...and 19 more Patchwork articles... (Show these)
Browse category: Synthesizer > Casio
Browse category: Synthesizer > Korg
Browse category: Synthesizer > Roland
Browse category: Synthesizer > Yamaha
Gear in this article:
Synthesizer > Casio > CZ-101
Synthesizer > Korg > Poly 800
Synthesizer > Roland > SH-101
Synthesizer > Yamaha > DX100
Synthesizer > Yamaha > DX27
Gear Tags:
Digital Synth
Analog Synth
FM Synth
FM 4-Operator
Phase Distortion
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