This little gadget has been around in one form or another for several years, though it has recently been updated to make it even 'hotter'. Essentially, it is a hand-held, battery-powered electronic bow for use with guitars. Used instead of a plectrum, it works by feeding the energy of the string back on itself, thus creating infinite sustain. It only works on one string at a time and positioning the device over the string starts the string vibrating. To help locate the correct position, there are two guide grooves which fit over the strings on either side of the one being played, while the tone of the sustained note can be modified by moving the E-Bow along the string and by pushing it closer to the string. With a little practice, it is possible to coax a variety of sounds from the guitar that are quite impossible by other means. Eastern droning sounds are easy while, with a little care, bowed strings and wind instruments can be conjured up. Add a couple of effects and you have a whole new instrument.
Being limited to one note at a time might be viewed as a limitation, but in the studio, where you have the ability to overdub, it is less of a problem. In my view, this is a vastly underrated accessory and one which stimulates the player's imagination as well as providing a wider palette of tone colours with which to work. For the recording guitarist, it opens up a whole new world of sound and yet costs around the same as a budget effects pedal.
Publisher: Recording Musician - SOS Publications Ltd. The contents of this magazine are re-published here with the kind permission of SOS Publications Ltd.
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