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Article from Music Technology, March 1987

Another collection of readers' synth patches. If you've got a sound you're particularly proud of, why not begin your career as a programmer in MT? More on page 82.

Now that Patchwork is bigger than ever, you've an even better chance of seeing your favourite sound in print, not to mention your favourite magazine on your doorstep free of charge. And if you're still waiting to see your particular synth featured in these pages, then why not be the first to submit some sounds?

Many readers are now supplementing their patch charts with a short demo cassette of the sounds in question, and this is really good news for our over-worked (and generally hungover) editorial team. Don't worry too much about classic performances or impeccable recording quality; just present your sounds simply and concisely -and convince us you're the best of the bunch.

If you can't lay your hands on a cassette player, don't let that put you off submitting some patches - an interesting description is a good substitute.

Don't forget that if your patch gets published, you'll receive a free year's subscription to MUSIC TECHNOLOGY with our compliments. So send us your favourite sounds on a photocopy of an owner's manual chart (coupled with a blank one for artwork purposes) accompanied, if possible, by a short demo-tape. Include a decent-length description of your sound and its musical purpose in life, and write your full name and address on each chart. And remember, edited presets are all very well, but an original masterpiece is always preferable. OK?

CASIO CZ5000 - Hollow

Loh Chan Hong, Malaysia

Lou says he came across this sound quite by accident, and describes 'Hollow' as having "a percussive attack, after which the tone floats off delightfully. The lower octaves are especially percussive and hollow, and the upper half has a 'flutey' quality (the upper two octaves actually 'twinkle'). Modulation works wonderfully on the higher notes to give an interesting variation to the sound."

(Click image for higher resolution version)

Available files:

  CZV Hollow.mp3 (442 KB)

Recorded from CZ-V
ben@muzines | 13th Dec 2019 | Downloads: 61

  VCZ Hollow.mp3 (442 KB)

Recorded from Virtual CZ
ben@muzines | 13th Dec 2019 | Downloads: 59 (670 B)

Single patch for CZ series
ben@muzines | 7th Dec 2019 | Downloads: 78

Arturia CZ-V patch
ben@muzines | 7th Dec 2019 | Downloads: 63

Virtual CZ aupreset
ben@muzines | 7th Dec 2019 | Downloads: 63

Virtual CZ VST3 preset
ben@muzines | 7th Dec 2019 | Downloads: 62


Paul Dineley, Comber, NI

And in the Ensoniq corner we welcome the first patch for the ESQ1 polysynth. 'Tubes' is a bright, "spikey" sound, good for lead lines, and the hollow quality achieved at the bass end of the keyboard is quite tubelike and atmospheric. All in all, a welcome and versatile all-rounder.

(Click image for higher resolution version)

ROLAND JX8P - Just Four You

Ola Trydell, Botswana

Four sounds here from Ola to please the (somewhat neglected) JX8P owners. 'Smooth Synth' (A) is effective as a bass, background, lead or combined sound, and a nice variation is obtained by switching to Unison mode (which leaves you with two voices per note). 'Smooth Organ' (B) is another allpurpose sound, but with a rnore "dizzy" character than (A). 'Solo Synth' (C) is a pure solo sound designed to play a single-voice melody line, while 'Electric Dream' (D) is really a heavy-metal electric guitar imitation which again should be played in Unison mode.

(Click image for higher resolution version)

Available files:

  Smooth Synth.syx (67 B)

Programmed in Martin Luder's PG-8X
Tomás Mulcahy | 23rd Feb 2021 | Downloads: 56

YAMAHA DX7 - Synth Scenario

Keith Butler, Lichfield, Staffs

Keith originally titled this sound 'Synth/Flute', but we tended to place it more among the 'Synth/Organ' pigeons... But it's a more intriguing sound than that title would suggest, embellished as it is with an endearing "chiff" and a subtle swell in its attack phase. If you think you've heard it before, listen once more.

(Click image for higher resolution version)

YAMAHA DX27/100 - Zoolook

Sotiris Gougousis, Greece

Patchwork has an international flavour this month, with patches from all around the world (so overseas readers shouldn't think that the extra cost of a subscription hinders their chances of getting their sounds published).

Sotiris was inspired by a certain French-made electronic album to create his 'Zoolook' patch, which is an interesting sound suitable for fill-ins and adding atmospheric backdrops. The sound starts as a bell, but is quickly transformed into a mellow synth brass tone. By muting either operator 1 or operator 3, you can use the bell or the brass sound separately.

(Click image for higher resolution version)

KORG MONO/POLY - Rendezvous

Gary Lea, Omegatech Designs, Glos

Gary reckons this is a fairly good approximation of the vocal sample used by J-MJ (yes, him again) in Houston ("an analogue synth impersonating a sampler?"). 'Rendezvous' is suitable for stabbed notes in rapid arpeggios or sequences, and requires a great deal of care in setting-up - so if you tweak a few knobs here and there, you're more likely to discover the sound most to your liking.

Incidentally, Omegatech Designs (see Newsdesk E&MM September 86) devote themselves to designing specialist pieces of hardware to your requirements, as well as supplying synth patches for a wide range of synths. Need 'em? Then reach 'em on (Contact Details)

(Click image for higher resolution version)

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Synthesizer Patches

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Browse category: Expansion Board > Grey Matter Response

Browse category: Software: Editor/Librarian > Dr. T

Previous Article in this issue

Simmons SPM8:2 Programmable MIDI Mixer

Next article in this issue

West Coast Story

Publisher: Music Technology - Music Maker Publications (UK), Future Publishing.

The current copyright owner/s of this content may differ from the originally published copyright notice.
More details on copyright ownership...


Music Technology - Mar 1987

Article has file downloads


Previous article in this issue:

> Simmons SPM8:2 Programmable ...

Next article in this issue:

> West Coast Story

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